"description": "Teiti Imanuel struggled but after two years Teiti finally established a Church called The Church of Imanuel. The Church has been his greatest treasure" TEITI IMANUEL - The founder of the Church of Imanuel : TEITI IMANUEL

Tuesday, 11 April 2000


Teiti Imanuel the author

Teiti Imanuel

Teiti Imanuel was my given name in a dream. I had this dream in the year 2000. It was a time of celebration for the whole wide world for welcoming the first rising of the Sun as it was a Millennium then. When I had this dream it was 25 past 2 in the morning. I wrote everything early that morning in my book of dreams. I don't know how to interpret the dream but something really attract me, the name I heard from the one I did not see his face. He was calling another image as Teiti. That image stood on two legs like a human being. 

Here is the matter of my dream. I was watching the rising of the Sun but there were not a Sun in the Sky as it was early morning just before the Sunrise. I can see everything clearly as the light from the Sun was present but the Sun was still to come up. As I was watching the East I suddenly heard a voice out of the Sky. I did not look up but I heard everything he was saying to me. This was what he said in my native tongue:

"Greetings, that Teiti can not die, he was created to cleansed the whole world. People can get to him in heaven but he will always take people to heaven."

There was this full metal man standing on my right side facing the great Wall on my left. The wall was so long I could not see where it starts and ends. By the look of it it was really deep and with great thickness. It was so all solid concrete and the hight of it is very high that I could not see the top. To tell you more about this wall I was frighten of it. 

Right after the end of that voice I heard speaking to me, the full metal man and I where both ascend up to the Sky. We were ascending and ascending till we now reached the middle of the great Wall. The metal man stood still without any movements right there on the spot where we landed. I was the one who took a walk. I walked westward for a while then head back again to the previous spot where the metal man still stood without any movement. 

Now the Teiti the metal man ascended while I stood there watching him reaching beyond the great Wall. He was still ascending till he reached the very high level then I saw a sphere made of pure glass. The glass was so pure that it was really clear and clean. It was right above Teiti the metal man. Teiti did not stop but kept on ascending till I saw him went inside that sphere of glass and stood in the midst of it as if it was meant to be his spaceship or something. 

I stood down there still in the middle of that great Wall with amazement. Then I saw something in Teiti's hand. He was holding a huge diamond. The diamond was as big as his head and he was holding it right beside his head. I started shouting saying "This was my first time to see such a diamond. There is no diamond in this world can compare to this diamond." Right after, Teiti swallowed the whole diamond! Yes he swallowed it whole. 

And that was the end of the dream. I know that this dream is very hard to interpret but I still love that name Teiti. It is still our custom in my country that if you want to change your name, there should be a feast and the Old men of the family must be there to celebrate your new name and bid farewell to your former name.

Because my heart covert that name I asked permission to my old man for my name to be changed. My old man was really sad when I proposed. That thing was that it was his father's name that I want to replace. It was all what was left of his father but now I want to replace it with Teiti. I did not get what I was hoping so I let it go. After a while I proposed to him again but in vain. About the third time heaven talked back and asked why would I want to do such a thing. I did not hesitate but told him everything about the dream.

It took days for him to decide when he called me and said that if the name Teiti would bring good to me then I shouldn't wait. We made the naming celebration and it was a very happy day of my life, when I finally called by the name of the metal man in my dream. I told all my go-workers and my boss and of course my family who did not come for my naming feast, in fact they don't like it at all. They were angry that I replaced the name of a very known man on the Island of Nikunau. 

Teiti was my name since then. I was happy with my new name. But one thing that happened right after the dream I stared to dream of things that I thought till now that it was a message with great importance to me. Before having my first dream I did a lot of reading from the Bible. 

I had this strange feeling that there was something unusual about the teachings of the Bible. I don't understand then what was it but I had found out that one of them Testament was a lie. I learned that in the Old Testament God rests on the seventh day of the week which was Saturday. If you haven't noticed in the calendar still now, you will find that the first day of the week is Sunday. 

Then here comes the Son of God whom we all thought rests on the Sabbath. When he was accused by the Jews for breaking the Sabbath law he defend himself with a very interesting answer. He claimed that his father infact did not rest on the Sabbath. This might not be something worthy to most but to me, this is huge. There is a misunderstanding here and no one wants to dig deep into it. 

I made up my mind that I should dig deep more because I had a feeling there was a huge misunderstanding. I searched the whole Bible diligently from Genesis to the New Testament. I did not reached the end of the New Testament and I got something, something that urged me to went back started again from Genesis. I did whether back and by the time I reached near the end of the old, I had everything I need.

Now I started to look into the New Testament to confirm what I had found to be the basis of the Old and The New Testament. I never reached the end of the New and everything was confirmed. It was then that I started wanting to build up a Church. This Church would learn the truth about the whole Bible. I had found that the whole Old Testament and the New Testament have different purposes. 

So I started to visit homes and preached. I convinced some families and they all left their different Churches. What is sad though is what I did not mentioned here. During my struggling for the truth I faced many problems. I was stabbed by my own wife. My family was not the same as it was before. It began to fall apart bit by bit. I was filled with rage and jealousy. Loneliness was my best friend and I wanted to commit suicide many times. It was a blow I wasn't ready for it. It went on for years and I had a feeling I amade a laughing stock in my community, workplace and even on Facebook. 

What do I have to do, is it right for me to care more about my God than my family? I don't know what to do but I never wanted to stop so I kept on going. I never had much sleep, nourishment nor happiness. I tend to be unsocial wanting to be on my own, every minute of the day. If anyone talked about crying, tell me about it, about heart break, tell me something I don't know, wanting to commit suicide, I can help you with. My life was a complete miserable life.

Anyway, the name of my Church is Imanuel with only seven letters. I never use the name Jesus and YHWH which is tranlated as Yahveh or Yahweh, Jehovah or Jehovah nor Adam.  That is all I can tell the public for now and I hope I will open up again in the future. When I did I will tell more of my miserable life as a husband and a founder of the Church called Imanuel. My name is Teiti and my Father's name is Michael. My mother's name is my Church and that is why you read my name as Teiti Imanuel.

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